Cologne Business School, Germany (3+1) – International Business

In cooperation with Cologne Business School, Cologne, Germany, students will obtain a Sarjana Ekonomi/S.E. in Management (Binus University) and Bachelor of Arts/B.A. in International Business (CBS). The Dual Degree program is designed to be a 3+1 program which means that students will spend 3 years studying with Binus University and 1 year with CBS. The Dual Degree program provides students with sufficient theories and relevant knowledge in Business Management, Marketing, and International Business to respond to the changing global market landscape.

The distribution of semesters for this program is as follows:

  • In the first 3 years (semester 1-6), students will study at BINUS University, Indonesia, taking a set of courses agreed by both universities.
  • In the last two semesters, students will study at Cologne Business School, Germany, following required courses determined by Cologne Business School.
  • In semester 8, students will write a thesis supervised by the CBS faculty.

What Will You Be Learning While in Binus University?

Year 1 and 2

In your 1st and 2nd year, you will focus on strengthening your general knowledge in Business Management, by learning the theory of all business-related aspects.  You will learn solid theoretical basis and take core courses in the field of Business Management, which covers disciplines of Management, Marketing, Human Resources, Operation, and Finance. Some of the courses that you will have to take in your first two years would be:

Introduction to Management and Business*
Management Information Systems for Leader
Business Mathematics
Business Economics
Legal Aspects in Business
Marketing Management
Consumer Psychology and Behavior
Accounting for Business
Business Statistics
Managing Business Information
Human Resources Management
Operations Management
Financial Management
Business Communication
Business Sustainability
Research Methodology
Multinational Corporate Management
Business Ethics

Year 3

In semester 5 ahead, you will focus on developing your knowledge in the Marketing disciplines. During this semester, you will take the following courses:

Applied Marketing Research
Pricing Management and Strategy
Family Business in Indonesia
Digital and Social Media Marketing
Business Venturing
Marketing Channels
Product and Brand Management

In semester 6, students will do an enrichment program, which allows them to select a unique track to learn off-campus. This is because in Binus University, we believe that students should also learn outside campus. The enrichment program provides students with opportunities to embark in different learning contexts as students can choose any of the following options: internships, entrepreneurship, research, and community development.

Year 4

In year 4, students will study in CBS and take courses offered by CBS. While in CBS, students can choose additional specialization in Marketing, Finance, or International Trade. In semester 8, students will write thesis supervised by the CBS faculty.