Management Laboratory offers various services to support students and faculty in their academic and research endeavors. These services include:

Management Laboratory provides expert consultation services for academic projects and data analysis. Whether you need help with data analysis or understanding how to use statistical software, our experienced staffs are here to guide you with management-related data analysis.

Software Loan:
For those requiring specialized software for their projects or coursework, Management Laboratory provides a comprehensive software loan service. This service grants access to essential programs such as IBM SPSS 22, SmartPLS 4, WarpPLS, STATA 18, NVIVO, IBM SPSS Amos 28, and Grammarly. These tools are invaluable for tasks such as data analysis, statistical modeling, qualitative research, and enhancing writing quality, ensuring you have the necessary resources to complete your assignments and research with precision and efficiency. Faculty members and students who are based in Greater Jakarta area can book a time slot to use the software in one of our labs (Syahdan, Alam Sutera or Bekasi), while those outside of Greater Jakarta can book a time slot to use the software remotely.

If you would like to access any of these facilities, please fill out the request form at Lab Facilities Form