Reviewing Social Person Era II

Author : Ami Fitri Utami, SE., MSM

Reference: Daniel A. Wren (2005) ; “The History of Management Thought”, Ch.18, 5th Edition

The social environment also being discussed in this chapter. There are some shifting in social values, some confusion of souls, yet issues about the social ethics. It was Lynds who argued about the insecure feeling during depression, Form who contended that people have desire to escape from loneliness, and Dale carnegie who have so many ideas about how making others feel important, making good first impressions, winning by letting others do talking, and etc. This is the phenomena that the social issues are kkep evolving as people be more realize about ones’ feeling over another and how to interact and react.

Talked about the social environment, it wont be to far with the political environment around. At that era, there is an emergence of alohabet group government as the new deal of politics. Constantly the augmenting position of labor also happened. It was in the term of employees right to bargain, right to organization, commitee for industrial organization, and teamwork, cooperation and democration in workplace.