Reviewing Human Relations in Concepts and Practice II

Author : Ami FItri Utami, SE., MSM

Reference: Daniel A. Wren (2005) ; “The History of Management Thought”, Ch.17, 5th Edition

With the Hawthorne research as the basic reviewed study in this chapter, this study reviewed from the term of industrial civilization assumptions, its methods and results. The term of industrial civilization assumptions reviewed from various premises about it which criticize Mayos’ (e.g Daniel Bells’, William M.Foxs’, Malcolm P.Nairs’, William H.Knowless’). However, it was briefly contended that there are three challenges to the Mayoists basic premises, which are the assumption that worker can be manipulated to fit the industrial equation, assumption that the cooperation and collaboration were natural so it overlooked more complex issues in societal conflict, and the assumption that happiness would lead to a harmonious equilibrium and organizational success.
It was not only the concept of the study interested the researcher, but also the methods. Somehow, some just interested into the statistic and the methods. It was contended that industial research was full of cracked and unsufficient methods at that time, thus the Hawthorne study was so vulnerable from ctirics on its methods and results.
The first doubt and critics is regarding to the findings that money wont motivates while Hawthornes does the oppsites. Furthermore, the critics about the statistics methods analysis also happened. However, this chapter argued that there are three major focuses that can be doubt from this study. First is about the economic motives, second is the “passge of time” related to the trust that wont be instantly formed, and third is the sicence versus advocacy problem.