Gender Role Stereotypes IV

Author : Ami Fitri Utami, SE., MSM

In the other hand discussing about the masculinity and femininity, those two branches of gender role also already diffused between each other. It can be seen in the evolving character that was played by female in many fiction movies which serve some female warriors character, even nowadays there are many movies described the character of a super busy career woman which described woman as a CEO, lawyer, or even some political roles. It is also happened to men, the men’s’ character also evolving. Nowadays there are many men’s’ character described as a metro sexual character in some fiction movies which often do feminine things like doing spa, or some other occupation like being a chef, being a designer, and etc.
Those evolving role not only happen in the cinematography area but also in the real world. Some males are now doing what used to call as “females” job and so does with females. There are male chefs, male designers, male beauticians, male nurses, so does female presidents, female CEOs, female drivers, etc. There might be some pros’ and cons’ on these phenomena, but at least it shows us that there is a change in the gender role and the restriction itself is not as rigid as before, as quoted from William et al (2009) :
“such findings paint a picture of a society where some gender roles remain entrenched, although others appear to be shifting, at least at certain times or in particular context”.
As a conclusion, let us see what Barnett (2008) argued about this evolvement of gender role. She argued that even though the restrictions of gender role are not fully eliminated, but we are moving into a positive direction. Yes, it is not fully eliminated yet since there are still inequalities happen between genders, there are still the “glass ceiling” phenomena, or even worse about the “gender stereotype job” phenomena in nowadays. But the good point is, since the restriction is generally not as rigid as before –even if it still occur- , and nowadays people are more open minded on facing changes –and people will always change-, people will have more opportunity to seize their potential and interest without worrying much about their gender. Simply to say, as the time goes by and if this positive changes still evolve, the idea of “completely no boundaries for males and females to switch their roles” is plausible to be realize.

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