In this modern era, a company has to be able to fully utilize their corporate culture system in order to be competitive in the market and be able to withstand the globalization era. Corporate culture is the main key asset that an organization has; this is due to the fact that a company without a specific culture cannot produce an effective corporation. However, some important factors are needed in order to support this heading. Corporate culture is an important asset that an organization has, this is due to the contribution that they give and the extent of their influence both directly and indirectly for the company to achieve a distinct progress in their process of growth.

The main purpose of value and culture to a company is to establish a strong foundation in which employees could stand on when it comes to behaving in an organization. Therefore a company with a specific value and culture can increase the behavior in an organization, thus reducing the loss of negative performance and increasing the effectiveness of quality to services in the company. If this certain value is implemented with a specific culture, then it would have a positive impact towards the company’s future overall in the form of high levitation in the future generation, hence the growth would be guaranteed.

Overall the connection between value and culture is hypothetically strong towards the organizational behavior thus causing a high performance to the effectiveness of quality services in the company. If a company is able to balance all four of these variables then it would mean that the company could improve the overall performance in the company as it directly links to how the employees are doing  their day to day job. If the culture is absolute, therefore it can cause an increasing performance in the value, thus causing a sustainability performance for the future (N).