As a lecturer, we need to be able to control the class.
There are some factors that needs to be concerned, such as, the teaching and learning activities with the assesments and also the learning outcomes.
The teaching learning activities can be started by reviewing previous meeting for the opening stage around 5 to 10 minutes, continue with main activites by combination of lecturing and role-play or group discussion for about an hour, and ending with question and answer.
While talking about the learning outcomes, it must be smart, emasurable, attainable, relevant, and time bound.
The lecturer needs to know the characteristics of the students, as learner, tourist, hostage, or terrorist, and needs to be treated differently.
Feedback is also important to eliminate incorrect performance and to enhance student learning.
Lecturer view and access in class is one of the key effective, so be sure students are easily seen and acessible by the lecturer. Lecturer can use the action zone.
Keep frequently used teaching materials readily accessible and be certain students can easily see the presentation materials.
Students grouping and how to deal with student misbehaviour are also the key effective in classroom management.