Tuition Fee

Variable Tuition Fee

BINUS UNIVERSITY International 20 SCU @ $ 289


Additional Fee

Registration Fee $60
BINUS INTERNATIONAL Fixed Tuition Fee for 2 Semester $1.818 for double degree student (paid in advance)


BINUS INTERNATIONAL Tuition Fee 2020/2021

1st Semester 1st Payment 2nd Payment 6 Months
Installment Installment Installment***
 Rp. 25,000,000 Rp. 52,500,000 Rp. 12,916,666
*** Payment using installment credit card scheme may not be available at any time without prior notice if the collaboration between BINUS INTERNATIONAL and the bank partner comes to an end or cannot be continued. For detail information, please call our admission at 021-7202222 / 7203333 ext. 3122-3123, 3164

